You will always need two things to make your blog a success: fresh, original SEO content, and frequently updated content. When you are just starting out, it’s a bit easier to come up with ideas for your next blog post. After all, your blog is all sparkly, begging to be played with, just like a new toy or car. In the beginning, you are so excited to be blogging and sharing your expertise and opinions while you build your business that you actually have too many ideas for blog posts and it’s difficult to focus.
Like many things in life, as the newness wears off, so does your enthusiasm and you find you just don’t have the time, energy or motivation to keep blogging. As your blog posts become fewer and farther in between, your readers stop coming to your site. Your visibility, authority and income dry up. Eventually, your blog ends up withering away on the proverbial great big neglected blog heap in the sky.
Before you start mourning the death of your blog, take heart! Following these 5 simple steps can help you bring your breathe new life into your blog and ensure it lives on for many years to come!
Strike While the Iron is Hot – Schedule Your Blog Posts!
There are always going to be times when your inspiration dries up. It happens to everyone, even well-known writers like Earnest Hemingway, Kerry Greenwood, Neil Gaiman and Ann Patchett. So, you need to write ahead of time while the creative fire is burning within you. Most blogging platforms have a scheduling app that allows you to automatically post at a later date. So go ahead and write several blog posts while the literary juices are flowing and then schedule them to post at a later date when you know you might be too busy, or too exhausted to create new content.
Always Request and Respond to Feedback
When creating your blog posts, it’s always a good idea to include a direct request for feedback from your readers. This one action can help your readers to feel vested in your blog, and increase return traffic to your site. If you’re having a tough time coming up with something to blog about, go back and see which posts have received a lot of responses and then create a blog post crafted around your answer to readers’ questions and comments.
Less is More
Are you wearing yourself and your readers out with too many words? If you are pressed for time and energy, consider narrowing your focus in your post so that you can present your topic with less words. Perhaps break a long post into a series of two or three shorter posts. If you shorten your posts, but still get your point across, you will make life more enjoyable for both you and your readers.
Recycle Content from Your Other Formats or Seek Out Guest Posts
If you are pressed for time and short on ideas, why not rework your existing content that’s in another format? Perhaps you have a print brochure or online video that makes some excellent points about your organisation. Why not recycle that content into a new blog post? You can also seek out the assistance of fellow bloggers by seeking to trade posts at each other’s blog. Swapping guest posts on a different blog can help you rediscover some of the excitement, energy and inspiration that you felt when your blog was new.
Send Out an SOS and Seek Help from a Professional
If you don’t personally know or trust another blogger, why not seek assistance from a professional content creation service? At Clever Streak, we have a proven track record of creating captivating content that will thrill your readers and your budget, and we can help you with all of your content creation needs! Contact us today and we’ll be happy to come to your rescue!
Updating your blog does not have to be stressful. Relax and go with the flow. The difference will show in your posts.
So, over to you. Do you have any tips you’d like to share?