You need a content strategy

Do you know what you’re supposed to be doing with the content you create?

It’s not just about posting your content to your blog or social media pages. That’s great, but it’s not very strategic, is it?

Creating content without a content strategy is like trying to navigate your way across a strange and busy continent without a map.

If you’re going to go to all the effort of writing and posting content, let’s make sure you get the most impact from it.

How about we get together and create a content strategy which tells you what you should be writing about, when and why?

Benefits of a content strategy.

  • You save time and stress because you have the right content when you need it.
  • You know exactly what to write about.
  • Your message is perfectly crafted to reach your ideal clients – each and every time.
  • Your content is optimised for the search engines.
  • You give your clients what they need.
  • You build your profile and influence because you’ve shown your knowledge.
  • You support your sales strategy with persuasive content.
  • You get the right content onto the right platform every time.
  • You can track your results.

What do you get in a Content Strategy Pack?

  • A Zoom meeting or phone call to discuss your content needs – goals, target audience, competitors etc.
  • A clear content editorial plan which you can use for all your content and copy needs.
  • Clarity on your key messages.
  • Refreshed and updated keywords.
  • Basic style guidelines for your content.
  • 20 blog topics that are on target and incorporate your keywords.
  • An understanding of  how your content ties together to reach your overall goals.

How does this all work?

  • First I send you a worksheet to complete which gives me some basic information about your business and your purpose.
  • We chat for an hour to discuss your worksheet and gather any more information I need.
  • I prepare a draft content strategy for you.
  • I revise the plan based on your feedback.
  • You begin following your new content strategy.


Get in touch and let’s chat. It’s time you caught up with or overtook your competitors.